
Bachelor's Degrees in Early Childhood Education


Is education your calling? 你准备好为二年级以下的孩子的生活带来积极的变化了吗? 拥有ladbrokes立博中文版幼儿教育学士学位 Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, you’ll have the credentials to do just that.

幼儿教育工作者是影响儿童生活的第一批人. 我们的早期儿童教育本科学位和辅修课程将为您提供必要的课程和实地经验,帮助您了解和教育处于关键发展阶段的儿童.

Combine this knowledge with your passion for education, 这样你就拥有了对孩子的学习方式产生深远而积极影响所需要的一切, grow and develop passions of their own.


a female student giving a poster presentation on her research

Learn while doing

从我们与Mursion的虚拟现实教学模拟和学生在国外的教学到教师指导下的本科生研究, 在获得幼儿教育学士学位的同时,动手学习的选择很多.
Dr. Steven Greenberg teaching and Elementary Education class

Learn from education experts

北京州立大学教师将多年的幼儿ladbrokes立博中文版经验带入课堂. 当你获得儿童研究的辅修课程或幼儿教育的理学学士学位时, 你将向专业教育机构的领导者学习, published researchers and more.

Choose your specialty

在获得幼儿教育本科学位的同时,根据你的目标量身定制你的学习. Choose a childhood studies minor, a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education, 儿童早期教育学士学位,可以加速获得硕士学位, or major in early education and care.

Small class sizes, huge benefits

同时为您的儿童研究辅修或幼儿教育本科学位工作, you’ll learn in classrooms with 15–20 students. 这种亲密的环境将为您提供一对一的指导, 建设性的反馈,这样你就可以改善你的教学和与同学合作的机会.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU’s College of Continuing Studies gives you maximum flexibility to complete your degree. The Early Education and Care, 出生- k疯牛病课程可以在白天在桥水的主校区进行, or you may pursue your degree at night. 我们的夜间课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 我们的许多教员在白天和晚上都授课.

Guidance and support—whenever you need it

在你获得幼儿教育学士学位的时候, 你的导师可以帮助你管理你的责任和规划你的未来. Should you need help job searching, 我们的就业服务办公室可以帮你联系当地学区和其他潜在雇主.


通过BSU的幼儿教育本科学位课程, 您将学习以研究为基础的教学策略,以鼓励儿童的发展.

每个早期儿童教育项目的学士学位都是由马萨诸塞州小学和中学教育部批准的. Choose from:

  • Early Childhood Education, BSE在那里,你将选择一个额外的文科或理科专业,并准备获得执照.
  • Early Education and Care, Birth–K, BSE这将为你获得国家颁发的教学和指导工作的证书做准备.
  • Childhood Studies Minor, 这将为您提供一个综合的方法来理解儿童的生活经历.

Click any link below to reveal each program's course detail.

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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Careers in Early Childhood Education

想知道拥有幼儿教育学士学位能做些什么吗? 对准备充分的幼儿教育工作者和照料者的需求预计将继续增加. If you want to become a teacher, 这是开始你的早期儿童教育理学学士学位并获得你的初始执照的好时机.

北苏州立大学的幼儿教育学士学位课程将为您提供获得第一份教学工作所需的教学技能和课堂经验. 而许多获得幼儿教育学士学位的BSU毕业生继续在公立学校任教, you may also teach in parochial or private schools, community programs or other learning institutions.

Should you major in early education and care, 你将准备通过国家认证成为一名首席教师, infant-toddler teacher and childcare director. 这将为您在公立学校以外的混合教育系统中从事从婴儿期到6岁的幼儿工作做好准备.




a female student in an Elementary Education class at BSU


如果你想在获得幼儿教育学士学位后继续你的教育, BSU has several options for you.


  • 幼儿教育,医学博士,学士学位后执照等
  • PreK–12 Education (Non-Licensure), MEd
  • Bilingual Education, 研究生证书和其他语言的英语教学, Graduate Certificate
  • Digital Technology for Educators, Graduate Certificate